Monday, September 30, 2013

First gun used in war

The first gun ever used was made 700 years go in the 1300's in china. It was a simple metal tube with a bor drilled out and a small hole used for the ignition source. The early gun was a small calibre ball and only had a effective range of 50 feet. This weapon was a grew served weapon which means there is a small team to operate and move the thing.
In the 1300 a bow and arrow was much more useful then the gun, but the gun had a fear factor to the plate that the bow just could not do. The enemy was terrified of this new invention. So an arms race began to improve a pone the design. All thoughts improvements where apparent in the Archibus made in the 1500. This was a mussel loading weapon firing a laid ball. The thing that made this unique was the fact that one man can carry the ammo, the primer and the powder. Now a army could have a division dedicated to this weapon, it was used to effect in mass volleys of fire at a target's around 100 yards away. This is still a crewed weapon and the barrel was prone to fowling up. This meant that the soldier would have to use a ball that was smaller then the bore of the rifle. Ones the rifle was fired this ball would bounce down the barrel and what ever way the ball bounced at the end that's the way it flies. In my opinion armies in the 1500 should have just used bows and arrows seeing at they could do the same amount of damage and had about the same range. The only reason I could see y armies used them is for the fear factor. Every shot is load and has a big cloud of white smoke after. 



  1. Wow, guns really came a long way since they were invented. Nowadays they have all these automatic/semi-automatic weapons and fire rates, not to mention how deadly and accurate they are. The innovations with guns will only get better in the future, but it's cool to know where it all started.

  2. This is very interesting! I had no idea the first gun was invented so long ago. It's not surprising it was invented in China though considering everything is made in China! lol. It's great that guns are getting bigger and better, but it can also be scary knowing how much power one person can have! I'm looking forward to reading more!

  3. Great Blog Matt! I had no clue that the first gun was made in the 1300s in china. This is very interesting to read. That's crazy that at one point in time the bow and arrow was a much more usefull tool then the gun. I look forward to reading more post

  4. Very interesting history. I had no idea that guns dates back to the 1300s.

    A few concerns.
    - While I grant that you put this history in your own words, you still need to give us your original source, (otherwise it's plagiarism)
    - You need to reread your blog before posting. There are many spelling and grammar mistakes. Run this through a spell-check and go over it yourself.
    - Add pictures, videos, etc. to both your posts and the background of your blog itself. We need to see visual representations of what you're talking about.
    -Don't forget to add your own personal opinions, anecdotes, etc. at the end of each post. We can look up this information elsewhere, but it is your perspective and your comments that will make this blog unique.
